Add Calendar Events

We encourage Members to publicise Events that may be of interest to other Club Members, these need not just be races!


Log in and go to the Calendar and navigate to the date of the event to CHECK it’sd not already been entered!

If it hasn’t, look for the red + sign at the top left of the Calendar area. Click on this and you’ll get a blank event item created.

Filling In The Form

Event Title: Snappy title here
Event Description: Where, How Much, all the usual details.
Category: We may expand the category section, but at the moment it’s either “General” or “Grand Prix” If you select Grand Prix, the event will be included in the Grand Prix events block on the Calendar page allowing a quick view of all of the upcoming Grand prix events.
Event Date: Er… Fairly obvious, remember to fill in the Start time!
Contact Details: Who should people contact about this? Telephone number?
Email: Email address of the contact person if available.
URL: Website address of the event web page if available.
Picture File: Ignore.
Event Approved: If you’ve enough access rights, there’ll be a tick box already ticked.

Please CHECK ALL OF THE DETAILS ESPECIALLY THE DATE! Don’t leave it as today’s date by mistake! If it’s all OK then Click on Submit.

If you have administrator level access rights your event is auto approved and will go live straight away. If not, the event will be placed in a moderation queue for approval.

I submitted my event but someone else’s version appeared
This may occur if someone else has already submitted the event and it was moderated after your own version of the event was submitted for moderation.